The warriors series have several author, who have the pen name Erin Hunter. The actual authors are Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui Sutherland. There are several different series, plus several manga series. The first series was just Warriors, with 6 books. Then was Warriors: The New Prophecy, also with six books. The current series is Warriors: Power of Three, with three books released, and three more planned. It has also been stated the a fourth series will be coming. There are also several books planned to cover time between series, with one, Firestar's Quest, released. There are three field guides, two are released so far. Last, there are four manga series. One of the manga series has all three books out and the next manga series just released the first book. There is also a new series called Seekers, which are about three polar bears.
The Warriors series are quick reads, but there are a lot of books. They are for an audience of about 5th grade and up. The one bad thing is that all of the characters can be hard to keep track of. These books are about cats. They are divided into four clans, Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan, plus Starclan, which is where the dead cats go. The fighters in each clan are called the warriors, plus there are medicine cats, who are like medics. Then there is the leader, who has nine lives. The leader also has a deputy, who becomes leader if the leader loses all of their lives. There are also queens, who are pregnant or nursing, plus the elders, who are to old to fight.
Well, if you enjoy reading about cats, you will enjoy this. Also adventure lovers, and pretty much everyone else. These books can be enjoyed by people of older ages as well. I think that everyone should read them, since they are so approachable by so many ages.
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